AP 770Ka Fully motorized system including :
- 77cm Aluminum antenna
- Lightweight Aerodynamic POD design
- Integrated Ka band LNB and BUC
- Fully motorized auto-pointing system
- Windows based Media Exchange System
- Vehicle battery motor control through ACU in case of electricity problem
- One touch operation in any condition and environment
- Weather protection for outdoor equipment

AP850 Fully motorized auto-pointing system including :
- 85cm SMC Antenne
- Rear mount and motorized arm with Tria holder
- Integrated Ka band LNB and BUC
- Fully motorized auto-pointing system
- 19"modem with integrated 5 ports/wifi/3G router IMR4001W
- Automatic Control Unit (ACU) for antenna control
- 6U-19"Flight case
- 15m coaxial cable and accessories